Monday, January 9, 2017

My Frozen Chore Time

The Faucet Miracle

He had put it off long enough. The chores needed to be done.
He bent, head down into the wind,
the trek to water the calves made more difficult by the bitter cold. 
He pulled his hat lower over his ears and thought to himself,
 "Will the faucet be frozen again?"

The 4-wheeler wouldn't start. The truck only growled.
But the calves needed water as much now in the deep freeze 
as on a warm summer day. 
He tried to look around, 
but the scene was gray and muted in the fading light. 
Snow laid heavily on everything, including his mind.

As he approached the faucet- a quiet prayer rose on his breath,
"Please; Dear God, let the water flow."
He turned the handle - Nothing.
Endless seconds passed. Hope stretched to the limit. 
At that very instant - a glorious sound escaped,
pushed free along with a stream of water.

A moment of overwhelming thanks swept over him. 
In silence he stood as the water filled the trough.
He noticed in those quiet moments 
that the Lord in his tender mercy had warmed his soul 
and made the water gush forth as if from a stone.

He walked home - one hand held high to block the wind, 
still blowing fiercely, threatening to freeze his face -
but this time with awe, noticing the beauty 
of the heavy snow icing everything.
Humbled again, his heart filled with gratitude for the second time.

 "He truly is a God of Wonder!"
He did this for me. 

Mark Carling
January 8, 2017

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! I love this one. The imagery was powerful and I felt like I was that man. I could feel his gratitude as if it were my own for the tender mercies I've experienced.
