Tuesday, June 27, 2017

As a shadow in the old man's memory

The white of hair and slowness of step crept in year upon year.
Active nimble fingers now only settle in his lap - his mind tending towards reflection -
a longing for days past riding the range, pushing cattle through dust clouds,
a lifetime of memories, bright as a hot iron sunrise.

Then, in that growing light, falls reality.
He first moves to the edge of the pens,
then to drifting along as a summer's cloud, half dozing in the truck.
The gentle strumming of guitar and lyrical words on the radio
remain as an afterimage of a life now faded.
Silhouetted in the red-burnished glow of the setting sun lopes the herd of wild mustangs -
the old and the young strung out as a ribbon tying him to them.

Stallion gives way to colt as if passing a torch;
embers of power endow the next generation.
Even though his thoughts drift,
the herd never goes unattended - if only in his dreams.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Precipice Presage

Peering prudently
prickling perspiration pours
panic persuades
precise placement
pebbled pavement
precarious predicament
position pronounced perilous

This is a memory of the slot canyon near us as seen from the rim. I hope you enjoy this. This is a Pleiades poem a new form for me.