Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Dueling Branches and Distorted Faces

Moonless night, dark and sullen
 broken by the sounds of
dueling branches that crack and groan
as they tap, slide and grind against the night.
Silent distorted faces stretch and roll
 on the window pane-
illuminated by curtains of light. 
Incessant wind blows, billowing curtains,
 casting eerie shadows.
A million gusts with angry voices
roar and scream wildly.
Strobes of lightning flash and brighten the clouds-
stabbing the sky, giant drops bleeding  
as they pound the ground with angry fists.
Snake Valley fills with deafening noise.

In time, soft predawn light,
unmasks the demons, scattering them abruptly,
 and throws a mighty, double rainbow on the face of the rain-soaked sky. 

1 comment:

  1. What a contrast between the stormy night and the bright morning of hope! It reminds me that the storms of life are always followed up with the colorful Light of Christ.
