The silly bird with frizzled back
Couldn’t fly for feathers lacked.
Would talk and squawk and carry on
From late at night to break of dawn
He’d wake the cows, the ducks, the sheep
Not a single creature there could sleep
Because that bird thought he could croon
His head cocked back, he’d belt his tune
Not a single creature there could sleep
Because that bird thought he could croon
His head cocked back, he’d belt his tune
At first all thought he’d go to sleep
If they asked nicely, his silence keep
But no, the more they pled
The more he sang to their dread
He'd shake a leg and sway his hips
With scratching nails on metal skid
And wail off-key on rooftop tin
And raise the hair on head and skin
The farmer's wife would bolt upright
In panic from this sound each night
And jar her husband and shake him up
“Do something with the blasted cuss”
His hearing was a wee bit dim
So wasn’t much annoyed by him
But cock had drawn his final straw
He had tested the limit by waking Ma
So up she sprang and donned her coat
Picked up the axe to cut his throat
Swiftly she reached the barnyard dim
Climbed up and grabbed a hold of him
A smile lit up her face just then
First Silence heard in who knows when
One final song was heard so fine
With savory, silent, soothing lines
A pleasant, restful, bubbling song
For Frizzle cooked in oven warm
The smell so beautiful and clear
Cooing softly in my ear
Cooing softly in my ear